General Usage

Import pygcc

import pygcc
from pygcc.pygcc_utils import *

Read database by specifying the direct- or sequential- access and source database

Using the default sequential-access database - speq21.dat

ps = db_reader(sourcedb = 'thermo.2021', sourceformat = 'gwb')
# ps.dbaccessdic, ps.sourcedic,  ps.specielist

Using the user-specified sequential-access database

ps = db_reader(dbaccess = './database/slop07.dat', sourcedb = 'thermo.2021', sourceformat = 'gwb')
# ps.dbaccessdic, ps.sourcedic,  ps.specielist
Duplicate found for species "AlOH++" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "MgCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "CaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "SrCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaF+" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sr(Succ)(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sc(Glut)+(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "AMP2-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "HAMP-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "+H2AMP-" in slop07.dat

Example: Calculate water properties

With IAPWS95

water = iapws95(T = np.array([  0.01, 25, 60,  100, 150,  200,  250,  300]), P = 200)
print('Density:', water.rho)
print('Gibbs Energy:', water.G)
print('Enthalpy:', water.H)
print('Entropy:', water.S)
Density: [1009.73580931 1005.83998999  991.7058825   967.43838406  927.69054221
  877.9652082   816.08878805  734.71208475]
Gibbs Energy: [-56194.26867312 -56592.33889817 -57211.87993461 -58000.04190115
 -59093.00868798 -60294.40876454 -61596.26593847 -62995.11966287]
Enthalpy: [-68680.33499723 -68236.29564253 -67613.18053963 -66897.34619192
 -65991.9279271  -65062.66635227 -64087.83220987 -63021.29280159]
Entropy: [15.14005087 16.69550855 18.67153539 20.7005717  22.97720284 25.05223509
 27.00976077 28.9549847 ]

With ZhangDuan

water = ZhangDuan(T= np.array([1000, 1050]), P = np.array([1000, 2000]))
print(water.rho, water.G)
[175.8286937  314.74510733] [-88767.03099    -89082.94223142]

Example: Calculate water dielectric constants

dielect = water_dielec(T= np.array([1000, 1050]), P = np.array([1000, 2000]), Dielec_method = 'DEW')
dielect.E, dielect.rhohat, dielect.Ah, dielect.Bh
(array([1.19637079, 2.52660344]),
 array([0.17582869, 0.31474511]),
 array([12.8720893 ,  5.29642074]),
 array([0.5403405 , 0.48797969]))
dielect = water_dielec(T= np.array([100, 150]), P = np.array([100, 200]), Dielec_method = 'JN91')
dielect.E, dielect.rhohat, dielect.Ah, dielect.Bh
(array([55.83017195, 44.79388023]),
 array([0.96293375, 0.92769054]),
 array([0.59551378, 0.67352582]),
 array([0.34191435, 0.35183609]))

Example: Calculate quartz properties

With Maier-Kelly powerlaw

Temp = np.array([100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 900])
ps = db_reader()
sup = heatcap( T = Temp, P = 1, Species = 'Quartz', Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['Quartz'], 
             method = 'SUPCRT')
sup.dG, sup.dCp
(array([-205319.43164294, -206728.65136032, -210399.56629393,
        -215044.47020067, -220518.04896025, -223492.57970966]),
 array([12.34074489, 13.89377788, 16.14397572, 16.103911  , 16.491911  ,
        16.685911  ]))

With Holland and Power’s formulation

Temp = np.array([100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 900])
pshp = db_reader(dbHP_dir = './database/supcrtbl.dat')
hp = heatcap( T = Temp, P = 10, Species = 'Quartz', Species_ppt = pshp.dbaccessdic['Quartz'], 
             method = 'HP11')
hp.dG, hp.dCp
Duplicate found for species "Fluorphlogopite" in supcrtbl.dat
Duplicate found for species "Arsenic" in supcrtbl.dat
Duplicate found for species "Arsenolite" in supcrtbl.dat
(array([-205491.44716714, -206900.38310661, -210575.79120014,
        -215228.32290096, -220682.44526921, -223649.25812766]),
 array([12.4075447 , 13.99685509, 16.16426364, 16.05341748, 16.6660167 ,

With Berman’s formulation

Temp = np.array([100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 900])
ps = db_reader(dbBerman_dir = './database/berman.dat')
bm = heatcap( T = Temp, P = 1, Species = 'Quartz', Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['Quartz'], 
             method = 'berman88')
bm.dG, bm.dCp
Duplicate found for species "Cordierite" in berman.dat
(array([-205498.95550508, -206907.11144614, -210575.29239247,
        -215221.44900321, -220654.77893829, -223612.45803826]),
 array([12.323813  , 13.87414095, 16.29997608, 16.24449507, 16.72930639,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.plot(Temp, sup.dG*4.182/1e3, 'r', Temp, hp.dG*4.182/1e3, 'b', Temp, bm.dG*4.182/1e3, 'k')
ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature [°C]'); ax1.set_ylabel('Gibbs Energy [kJ/mol] ')
plt.legend(['SUPCRT', 'HP11', 'Berman88'])
ax2.plot(Temp, hp.dG*4.182/1e3 - sup.dG*4.182/1e3, 'r', Temp, bm.dG*4.182/1e3 - sup.dG*4.182/1e3, 'b')
ax2.set_xlabel('Temperature [°C]'); ax2.set_ylabel('Delta Gibbs Energy [kJ/mol] ')
plt.legend(['SUPCRT - HP11', 'SUPCRT - Berman88'])

Example: Calculate olivine solid solutions

calc = calcRxnlogK( X = 0.85,T = np.array([300, 400, 450]), P = np.array([200, 200, 200]),
                   Specie = 'olivine', dbaccessdic = ps.dbaccessdic, densityextrap = True)
calc.logK, calc.Rxn
(array([ 9.2646654 , 23.54844166, 19.7311314 ]),
 {'type': 'ol',
  'name': 'Fo85',
  'formula': 'Mg1.70Fe0.30Si1O4',
  'MW': 150.1557,
  'min': ['Mg1.70Fe0.30Si1O4',
   ' R&H95, Stef2001',
  'spec': ['H+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O'],
  'coeff': [-4, 1.7, 0.30000000000000004, 1, 2],
  'nSpec': 5,
  'V': 44.049,
  'source': ' R&H95, Stef2001',
  'elements': ['1.7000', 'Mg', '0.3000', 'Fe', '1.0000', 'Si', '4.0000', 'O']})

Example: Calculate glauconite mineral properties

Temp = np.array([0.01, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150])
calc = calcRxnlogK(T = Temp, P = 'T', Specie = 'clay', dbaccessdic = ps.dbaccessdic, densityextrap = True,
                   elem = ['Glauconite', '3.654', '.687', '1.175', '0.079', '0.337', '0.679', '0.212', '0.0359', '0'])
calc.logK, calc.Rxn
(array([ 9.80747356,  8.38177644,  7.56941593,  6.74704349,  5.14199548,
         3.63980995,  2.25752339, -0.7155082 ]),
 {'type': 'Smectite',
  'name': 'Glauconite',
  'formula': 'K0.68Na0.21Fe0.08Ca0.04Mg0.34Al0.69FeIII1.18Si3.654O10(OH)2',
  'MW': 426.25271512,
  'min': ['K0.68Na0.21Fe0.08Ca0.04Mg0.34Al0.69FeIII1.18Si3.654O10(OH)2',
   'B2015, B2021',
  'spec': ['H+',
  'coeff': [-7.381,
  'nSpec': 10,
  'V': 141.34069593680297,
  'dG': -4894.933712726446,
  'dHf': -5244.206013377212,
  'Cp': 345.17439398884756,
  'source': 'B2015, B2021',
  'elements': ['0.0359',

Example: Create new reactions and calculate equilibrium constants

An example with pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite (PPM) reaction

Pyrite + 4 H2O + 2 Pyrrhotite → 4 H2S(aq) + Magnetite

Then we can include the reaction in sourcedic, one of the output of db_reader, which is a dictionary of list of reaction coefficients and species. An example with the format for sourcedic is as follows:

ps.sourcedic[‘Name’] = [‘formula’, number of reactants in the reaction, ‘coefficient of specie 1’, ‘specie 1’, ‘coefficient of specie 2’, ‘specie 2’]

AB → 0.5 A2(aq) + B

ps.sourcedic[‘AB’] = [‘AB’, 2, ‘0.5’, ‘A2(aq), ‘1’, ‘B’]

ps = db_reader(sourcedb = './database/thermo.2021.dat', sourceformat = 'gwb')
ps.sourcedic['Pyrite'] = ['', 4, '4', 'H2S(aq)', '1', 'Magnetite',  '-2', 'Pyrrhotite', '-4', 'H2O']
Temp = np.array([300.0000, 325, 350.0000, 400.0000, 415, 425.0000, 435, 450.0000])
Press = 500*np.ones(np.size(Temp))
log_K_PPM = calcRxnlogK( T = Temp, P = Press, Specie = 'Pyrite', dbaccessdic = ps.dbaccessdic,
                        sourcedic = ps.sourcedic, specielist = ps.specielist).logK
array([-9.61842122, -8.38742387, -7.21969753, -4.97772897, -4.29319566,
       -3.81890541, -3.32234015, -2.52289322])

Example: Generate GWB thermodynamic database

Note: GWB requires exactly 8 temperature and pressure pairs

# Vectors for Temperature (C) and Pressure (bar) inputs
T = np.array([  0.010,   25.0000 ,  60.0000,  100.0000, 120.0000,  150.0000,  250.0000,  300.0000])
P = 350*np.ones(np.size(T))
nCa = 1

write GWB using default sourced database, with inclusion of solid_solution and clay thermo properties

write_database(T = T, P = P, cpx_Ca = nCa, solid_solution = 'Yes',  clay_thermo = 'Yes', 
               dataset = 'GWB')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 9.41 s, sys: 24 ms, total: 9.44 s
Wall time: 9.44 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0dcb8350>

write GWB using user-specified sourced database, with inclusion of solid_solution and clay thermo properties

write_database(T = T, P = 175, cpx_Ca = nCa, solid_solution = 'Yes', clay_thermo = 'Yes',
                sourcedb = './database/thermo.29Sep15.dat', dataset = 'GWB')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 8.25 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 8.27 s
Wall time: 8.27 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0bc65c50>

write GWB using Jan2020/Apr20 formatted sourced database

write_database(T = T, P = 125, cpx_Ca = nCa, solid_solution = True, clay_thermo = True,
                sourcedb = './database/', dataset = 'GWB')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 9.4 s, sys: 23.9 ms, total: 9.42 s
Wall time: 9.42 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0c59ec90>

write GWB using Jan2020/Apr20 formatted sourced database with logK as polynomial coefficients, using Tmax and Tmin

# Temp = np.array([  0.01, 25, 60,  100, 150,  200,  250,  300])
write_database(T = [0, 300], P = 150, clay_thermo = True, logK_form = 'polycoeffs', 
               sourcedb =  './database/', dataset = 'GWB')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 7.84 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 7.85 s
Wall time: 7.86 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0acdddd0>

write GWB using Mar21 formatted sourced database with logK as polynomial coefficients

# Temp = np.array([  0.01, 25, 60,  100, 150,  200,  250,  300])
write_database(T = [0, 300], P = 145, clay_thermo = True, logK_form = 'polycoeffs', 
               sourcedb =  './database/thermo_latest.tdat', dataset = 'GWB')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 7.86 s, sys: 4.02 ms, total: 7.86 s
Wall time: 7.86 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0a491cd0>

write GWB using user-specified sourced database and direct-access database (slop07) and FGL97 dielectric constant

write_database(T = [0, 400], P = 300, cpx_Ca = 0.5, solid_solution = 'Yes', Dielec_method = 'FGL97',
                dbaccess = './database/slop07.dat',
                sourcedb = './database/thermo.29Sep15.dat', dataset = 'GWB')
Duplicate found for species "AlOH++" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "MgCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "CaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "SrCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaF+" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sr(Succ)(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sc(Glut)+(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "AMP2-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "HAMP-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "+H2AMP-" in slop07.dat
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 8.04 s, sys: 20 ms, total: 8.06 s
Wall time: 8.05 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a09ca7f10>

write GWB using default sourced database and direct-access database (slop07 with Berman mineral data) and FGL97 dielectric constant

write_database(T = [0, 340], P = 150, Dielec_method = 'FGL97',  dbaccess = './database/slop07.dat',
                dbBerman_dir = './database/berman.dat', dataset = 'GWB')
Duplicate found for species "AlOH++" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "MgCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "CaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "SrCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaCO3(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "BaF+" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sr(Succ)(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Sc(Glut)+(aq)" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "AMP2-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "HAMP-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "+H2AMP-" in slop07.dat
Duplicate found for species "Cordierite" in berman.dat
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 5.7 s, sys: 20 ms, total: 5.72 s
Wall time: 5.72 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0b122cd0>

write GWB using Mar21 formatted sourced database and direct-access database (speq21 with HP mineral data) and DEW dielectric constant

write_database(T = [0, 275], P = 1100, Dielec_method = 'DEW',  dbaccess = './database/speq21.dat',
                dbHP_dir = './database/supcrtbl.dat', sourcedb =  './database/thermo_latest.tdat', dataset = 'GWB')
Duplicate found for species "Fluorphlogopite" in supcrtbl.dat
Duplicate found for species "Arsenic" in supcrtbl.dat
Duplicate found for species "Arsenolite" in supcrtbl.dat
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed eval> in <module>

~/checkouts/ in __init__(self, **kwargs)
   1559     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
   1560         self.kwargs = write_database.kwargs.copy()
-> 1561         self.__calc__(**kwargs)
   1563     def __calc__(self, **kwargs):

~/checkouts/ in __calc__(self, **kwargs)
   1624                              sourcedb_codecs = self.sourcedb_codecs)
   1625         # condition to add Dimer from Sverjensky et al. 2014
-> 1626         if self.dbr.header_ref[self.dbr.dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'][1].strip(' ref:').split('   ')[0]].startswith('Sverjensky, D. A., Harrison, B., & Azzolini, D., 2014'):
   1627             if 'Si2O4(aq)' not in self.dbr.dbaccessdic.keys() or 'Si2O4(aq)' not in self.dbr.sourcedic.keys():
   1628                 warnings.warn('Warning: you are using SiO2(aq) data from Sverjensky et al. (2014) GCA. This thermodynamic model requires that you also add data for Si2O4(aq) to achieve accurate solubility calculations. Please ensure thermodynamic data for Si2O4(aq) are added to both your source GWB or EQ3/6 database AND your source direct-access database.')

KeyError: '3'

write GWB using user-specified sourced Pitzer database and default direct-access database along the saturation curve

write_database(T = [0, 350], P = 'T', dataset = 'GWB',  sourcedb = './database/thermo_hmw.tdat')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 2.78 s, sys: 8.03 ms, total: 2.79 s
Wall time: 2.79 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a08526790>

write GWB using user-specified sourced EQ3/6 Pitzer database and default direct-access database

write_database(T = [0, 350], P = 250, dataset = 'GWB', sourcedb = './database/data0.hmw',
               sourceformat = 'EQ36')
Success, your new GWB database is ready for download
CPU times: user 2.15 s, sys: 3.96 ms, total: 2.15 s
Wall time: 2.15 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a0852b210>

Example: Generate EQ3/6 thermodynamic database

write EQ3/6 using default sourced database

write_database(T = T, P = P, cpx_Ca = 1, solid_solution = 'Yes', clay_thermo = 'Yes', 
               dataset = 'EQ36')
Success, your new EQ3/6 database is ready for download
CPU times: user 9.4 s, sys: 60 ms, total: 9.46 s
Wall time: 9.42 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a095ec790>

write EQ3/6 user-specified sourced database

write_database(T = [0, 400], P = 350, cpx_Ca = 0.5, solid_solution = 'Yes', clay_thermo = 'Yes',
                sourcedb = './database/data0.geo', dataset = 'EQ36', sourcedb_codecs = 'latin-1')
Success, your new EQ3/6 database is ready for download
CPU times: user 8.54 s, sys: 28 ms, total: 8.57 s
Wall time: 8.57 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a095ec710>

write EQ3/6 using user-specified sourced Pitzer database

write_database(T = [0, 350], P = 200, sourcedb = './database/data0.hmw', dataset = 'EQ36')
Success, your new EQ3/6 database is ready for download
CPU times: user 1.96 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.96 s
Wall time: 1.96 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a06dbaa50>

write EQ3/6 user-specified sourced database using FGL97 dielectric constant

write_database(T = [0, 400], P = 300, cpx_Ca = 0.1, sourcedb = './database/data0.geo', 
               dataset = 'EQ36', solid_solution = 'Yes', Dielec_method = 'FGL97', clay_thermo = 'Yes')
Success, your new EQ3/6 database is ready for download
CPU times: user 8.63 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 8.64 s
Wall time: 8.64 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a06596790>

write EQ3/6 user-specified sourced database using DEW model

Temp = np.array([50, 100, 150, 300, 450, 500, 600, 700])
write_database(T = Temp, P = 1500, sourcedb = './database/data0.geo', dataset = 'EQ36', 
               Dielec_method = 'DEW')
Success, your new EQ3/6 database is ready for download
CPU times: user 4.3 s, sys: 12 ms, total: 4.32 s
Wall time: 4.32 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x7f0a059caa50>

write EQ3/6 using default sourced GWB database and direct-access database

write_database(T = np.array([0.010, 25, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]), P = 250, dataset = 'EQ36', 
               sourcedb = 'thermo.2021', sourceformat = 'gwb', solid_solution = True, clay_thermo = True, 
               print_msg = True)
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed eval> in <module>

~/checkouts/ in __init__(self, **kwargs)
   1559     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
   1560         self.kwargs = write_database.kwargs.copy()
-> 1561         self.__calc__(**kwargs)
   1563     def __calc__(self, **kwargs):

~/checkouts/ in __calc__(self, **kwargs)
   1682             self.write_GWBdb(self.T, self.P)
   1683         elif self.dataset.upper() == 'EQ36':
-> 1684             self.write_EQ36db(self.T, self.P )
   1685         elif self.dataset.lower() == 'pflotran':
   1686             self.write_pflotrandb(self.T, self.P )

~/checkouts/ in write_EQ36db(self, T, P)
   3639                     filler = ('(aq)', '(But)', '(Prop)', '(Pent)', '(For)', '(Gly)', '(Glyc)', '(Lac)', 'Acetate')
   3640                     formula = j.rstrip('(aq)(g)') if sourcedic[j][0] == '' else j if not any([l in j for l in filler]) else re.sub('(aq)', '', dbaccessdic[k][0]) #.rstrip('(+0123456789)')
-> 3641                     Elem = [[v,k] for k,v in dict( sorted(calc_elem_count_molewt(formula)[0].items(), 
   3642                                                          key=lambda x: x[0].lower()) ).items()]
   3643                     Elem = [item for sublist in Elem for item in sublist]

~/checkouts/ in calc_elem_count_molewt(formula, **kwargs)
     89                                                                     data['elements'][x]['atomic_mass']],
     90                                                                    index = ['name', 'mass']).T
---> 91                    for x in range(len(data['elements']))}
     92         periodic_table.close()

~/checkouts/ in <dictcomp>(.0)
     89                                                                     data['elements'][x]['atomic_mass']],
     90                                                                    index = ['name', 'mass']).T
---> 91                    for x in range(len(data['elements']))}
     92         periodic_table.close()

~/checkouts/ in T(self)
   3359     @property
   3360     def T(self) -> DataFrame:
-> 3361         return self.transpose()
   3363     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

~/checkouts/ in transpose(self, copy, *args)
   3326         # construct the args
-> 3328         dtypes = list(self.dtypes)
   3330         if self._can_fast_transpose:

~/checkouts/ in dtypes(self)
   5656         dtype: object
   5657         """
-> 5658         data = self._mgr.get_dtypes()
   5659         return self._constructor_sliced(data, index=self._info_axis, dtype=np.object_)

~/checkouts/ in get_dtypes(self)
    249     def get_dtypes(self):
--> 250         dtypes = np.array([blk.dtype for blk in self.blocks])
    251         return dtypes.take(self.blknos)


Example: Generate ToughReact thermodynamic database

write ToughReact using user-specified EQ3/6 database

write_database(T = T, P = P, cpx_Ca = nCa, solid_solution = 'Yes', sourcedb = './database/data0.dat',
                dataset = 'ToughReact', sourceformat = 'EQ36')
Success, your new ToughReact database is ready for download
CPU times: total: 17.1 s
Wall time: 17.8 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x2ae6ba7f5e0>

write ToughReact using user-specified GWB database

write_database(T = [0, 350], P = 250, cpx_Ca = 0.25, clay_thermo = 'Yes', dataset = 'ToughReact',
                sourcedb = './database/', sourceformat = 'GWB')
Success, your new ToughReact database is ready for download
CPU times: total: 7.64 s
Wall time: 7.86 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x2ae66278c70>

write ToughReact using EQ3/6 user-specified Ptizer sourced database and JN91 dielectric constant

write_database(T = [0, 300], P = 200, sourceformat = 'EQ36', sourcedb = './database/data0.fmt',
                dataset = 'ToughReact', Dielec_method = 'JN91')
Success, your new ToughReact database is ready for download
CPU times: total: 3.73 s
Wall time: 4.02 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x2ae6cb92460>

Example: Generate Pflotran thermodynamic database

write Pflotran using user-specified EQ3/6 database

write_database(T = T, P = P, clay_thermo = 'Yes', sourcedb = './database/data0.dat',
                dataset = 'Pflotran', sourceformat = 'EQ36')
Success, your new Pflotran database is ready for download
CPU times: total: 9.42 s
Wall time: 9.72 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x2ae6cb9cfa0>

write Pflotran using user-specified GWB database

write_database(T = [0, 350], P = 250, cpx_Ca = 0.1, solid_solution = True, clay_thermo = True,
               sourcedb = './database/', dataset = 'Pflotran', sourceformat = 'GWB')
Success, your new Pflotran database is ready for download
CPU times: total: 13.6 s
Wall time: 14.1 s
<pygcc.pygcc_utils.write_database at 0x2ae6f9572b0>

Example: Calculate clay mineral thermodynamics

#%% specify the direct access thermodynamic database
db_dic = db_reader(dbaccess = './database/speq21.dat').dbaccessdic

folder_to_save = 'output'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) == False:
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) 
fid = open('./output/logK_05.txt', 'w')

logKRxn = calcRxnlogK(T = T, P = P, Specie = 'Clay', dbaccessdic = db_dic,
                        elem = ['Clinochlore', '3', '2', '0', '0', '5', '0', '0', '0', '0'],
                        densityextrap = True)
logK, Rxn = logKRxn.logK, logKRxn.Rxn

# output in EQ36 format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'EQ36')
# output in GWB format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'GWB')
# output in Pflotran format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'Pflotran')
# output in ToughReact format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'ToughReact')

Example: Calculate plagioclase solid-solution thermodynamics

#%% specify the direct access thermodynamic database
db_dic = db_reader(dbaccess = './database/speq21.dat').dbaccessdic

folder_to_save = 'output'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) == False:
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) 
fid = open('./output/logK_05.txt', 'w')

logKRxn = calcRxnlogK(T = T, dbaccessdic = db_dic, P = 'T', X = 0.634, Specie = 'Plagioclase',
                        densityextrap = True)
logK, Rxn = logKRxn.logK, logKRxn.Rxn

# output in EQ36 format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'EQ36')
# output in GWB format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'GWB')
# output in Pflotran format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'Pflotran')
# output in ToughReact format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'ToughReact')

Example: Calculate new reaction equilibrium constants and export to specific formats

#%% specify the direct access thermodynamic database
db_dic = db_reader(dbaccess = './database/speq21.dat', sourcedb =  './database/thermo_latest.tdat', sourceformat = 'GWB')
Temp = np.array([25, 80, 140, 190, 240, 300, 350, 400])
TK_range = Temp + 273.15

folder_to_save = 'output'
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) == False:
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_to_save)) 
fid = open('./output/logK_05.txt', 'w')

db_dic.sourcedic['HWO4-'] = ['HWO4-', 2, '1.000', 'H+', '1.000', 'WO4--']

logK = calcRxnlogK(T = Temp, P = 250, Specie = 'HWO4-', dbaccessdic = db_dic.dbaccessdic, densityextrap = True,
                     sourcedic = db_dic.sourcedic, specielist = db_dic.specielist, Specie_class = 'aqueous').logK

Rxn = {}
Rxn['type'] = 'tungsten'
Rxn['name'] = 'HWO4-'
Rxn['formula'] = ps.dbaccessdic['HWO4-'][0]
Rxn['MW'] = calc_elem_count_molewt(ps.dbaccessdic['HWO4-'][0])[1]
Rxn['min'] = ps.dbaccessdic['HWO4-']
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5]
Rxn['source'] = Rxn['min'][1]
Rxn['spec'] = ['H+', 'WO4--']
Rxn['coeff'] = [1.000, 1.000]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
d = calc_elem_count_molewt(ps.dbaccessdic['HWO4-'][0])[0]
Rxn['elements'] = [item for sublist in [['%s' % v,k] for k,v in d.items()] for item in sublist]

# output in EQ36 format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'EQ36')
# output in GWB format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, *TK_range, logK_form = 'polycoeffs', dataset = 'GWB')
# output in Pflotran format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'Pflotran')
# output in ToughReact format
outputfmt(fid, logK, Rxn, dataset = 'ToughReact')

Example: Calculate CO$_2$ activity and molality

T = np.array([  0.010,   25 ,  60,  100, 150,  175,  200,  250])
P = 250*np.ones(np.size(T))

TK = convert_temperature(T, Out_Unit = 'K')

#%% Calculate CO2 activity and molality at ionic strength of 0.5M
# with Duan_Sun
log10_co2_gamma, mco2 = Henry_duan_sun(TK, P, 0.5)
co2_activity = 10**log10_co2_gamma

# with Drummond
log10_co2_gamma = drummondgamma(TK, 0.5)
co2_activityD = 10**log10_co2_gamma
for i in range(len(T)):
    print('Fluid Temperature [C]: ', T[i])
    print('Fluid Pressure [bar]: ', P[i])
    print('Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase: ', mco2.ravel()[i])
    print('Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun): ', co2_activity.ravel()[i])
    print('Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond): ', co2_activityD.ravel()[i])
Fluid Temperature [C]:  0.01
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.9318448998874207
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1291811186477334
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1340282640704162

Fluid Temperature [C]:  25.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.4446373503231484
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.117606348338049
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1228777554452154

Fluid Temperature [C]:  60.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.1670235810670366
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1097025985737983
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1184645553679928

Fluid Temperature [C]:  100.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.0886091317050277
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.109458812741491
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1250331593722136

Fluid Temperature [C]:  150.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.1736136778845458
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1191485747389718
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1457708279040804

Fluid Temperature [C]:  175.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.2783771607594785
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1276219378379773
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1602093887224851

Fluid Temperature [C]:  200.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.4208468773780791
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1385618727912967
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.1769259206651324

Fluid Temperature [C]:  250.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Molality of CO2 in aqueous phase:  1.77261489074432
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Duan_Sun):  1.1700221965116315
Activity of CO2 in aqueous phase (Drummond):  1.2163347543456382

Example: Calculate water activity

#%% Calculate Water activity, osmotic coefficient and NaCl mean activity coefficient at an ionic strength of 0.5M
aw, phi, mean_act = Helgeson_activity(T, P, 0.5, Dielec_method = 'JN91')
for i in range(len(T)):
    print('Fluid Temperature [C]: ', T[i])
    print('Fluid Pressure [bar]: ', P[i])
    print('Water activity: ', aw.ravel()[i])
    print('Water osmotic coefficient: ', phi.ravel()[i])
    print('NaCl mean activity coefficient: ', mean_act.ravel()[i])
Fluid Temperature [C]:  0.01
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9834124336987836
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.9284718584434148
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.692629475860604

Fluid Temperature [C]:  25.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9834694019509062
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.9252563947921737
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.6830156908321348

Fluid Temperature [C]:  60.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9834545247516562
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.9260960917802195
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.6741274234132698

Fluid Temperature [C]:  100.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9836228186833603
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.9165980079013504
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.6470880031600432

Fluid Temperature [C]:  150.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9839613772269223
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.8974955418879942
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.6014993581955079

Fluid Temperature [C]:  175.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9841773024634818
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.8853158391632446
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.5748511235273901

Fluid Temperature [C]:  200.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9843727067517682
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.8742959654165895
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.5490393132851259

Fluid Temperature [C]:  250.0
Fluid Pressure [bar]:  250.0
Water activity:  0.9850872802771544
Water osmotic coefficient:  0.8340160306806143
NaCl mean activity coefficient:  0.47686249155819044