
All notable changes to this project are documented here. To ensure that they are using the most up-to-date version of the PyGCC software, users should update PyGCC on their local computers using the following command:

pip install --upgrade pygcc

v1.2.0 (10/09/2023)


  • we have included the thermodynamic databases speq23 and speq23_dimer. To utilize these databases in pygcc, users are now required to specify their selection. For example, users can set “dbaccessdb = speq21_dimer”, “dbaccessdb = speq23”, “dbaccessdb = speq23_dimer”.


  • modified the default speq21 database to reinstate the thermodynamics data for SiO2(aq) to the values presented in Shock et al. (1989)

  • modified the database creation to include dimer - Si2O4(aq) - for scenarios where SiO2(aq) from Sverjensky et al. (2014) - speq21_dimer.dat is used. Users who intend to utilize speq21_dimer or speq23_dimer databases should verify that the dimer reaction is present in their source database. Note that source databases, including the default ‘’ and ‘thermo_latest.tdat’ have been updated to include dimer reactions.”


  • In previous versions, errors related to deprecated functionality were encountered when using Python versions greater than 3.9.6.


v1.1.4 (25/11/2022)


  • Mineral “Graphite” was added to the thermo.2021.dat database. Other modifications were made to the formula of some carboxylic acids in the database

  • A debug message has been added to the write_database class, with a default value of False, to print out options included in generating the database. The print option can be turned on by specifying “print_msg = True”

  • The source databases included with pygcc downloads can now be specified using the file names rather their full paths, such as “sourcedb =”, “sourcedb = thermo.2021”, “sourcedb = thermo_latest”, etc.

  • Pitzer activity model format for ToughReact is now included

  • Created an option to use the GWB source database to generate the EQ36 database, i.e., convert GWB database to EQ36 database.


  • modified the default output database for ToughReact from “thermo_ToughReact%sbars” to “thermo%sbars”

  • modified the creation of output folder to specify subfolders for ToughReact, GWB, EQ36 and PFLOTRAN

  • modified the code so that the density extrapolation prompt message is only activated in cases where the density is less than 350 g/cm3


  • v1.1.2 and v1.1.3 have errors that are now fixed


v1.1.1 (19/09/2022)



  • modified the naming of log10_co2_gamma in the Henry_duan_sun and drummondgamma functions to activity coefficients

  • corrected dielectric constants units in water_dielec class implementation of water dielectric constants

  • modified pressure region for Helgeson_activity function to include pressures above 5 kbar



v1.1.0 (21/06/2022)



  • modified db_reader function to support jul17 and jan19 gwb legacy formats



v1.0.6 (15/05/2022)


  • Added the Holland and Power heat capacity equation using the SUPCRTBL database, tagged as heatcaphp.

  • A supcrtaq function option has been added, allowing users to specify input units for direct-access or sequential-access thermodynamic databases. The keyword “InUnit” can take ‘cal’ or ‘KJ’ and convert to ‘cal’ which is used in the supcrtaq function.

  • Added “supcrtbl.dat”, a sequential-access thermodynamic database containing Holland and Power datasets
    documented in SUPCRTBL by Zimmer et al. (2016) SUPCRTBL: A revised and extended thermodynamic dataset and software package of SUPCRT92. Computer and Geosciences 90:97-111.

  • Added an option in calcRxnlogK to automatically identify species class based on species’ last letter/ number. This means that species ending with ‘(aq)’, ‘+’, ‘-’ or last letter/number isdigit are classified as aqueous species whereas others are gases or mineral species. This is used in case the user does not provide a specielist, which has become an optional input into the calcRxnlogK class function

  • Added the capability to generate the most recent database version of GWB (mar21) formats.

  • Added an option in solidsolution_thermo class function “Al_Si” to allow the user to specify how Al and Si will be expressed in the solid solution reactions. The keyword can take ‘Arnorsson_Stefansson’ which expresses them as ‘Al(OH)4-’ and ‘H4SiO4(aq)’ while ‘pygcc’ expresses them as ‘Al3+’ and ‘SiO2(aq)’


  • modified mineral_eos keyword to heatcap_method

  • modified Mintype keyword to ClayMintype

  • combined functions like heatcaphp, heatcap_Berman and heatcapusgscal into a single class function heatcap

  • updated the online documentation to reflected the functions removed



  • The heatcap, heatcap_Berman and heatcapusgscal functions are no longer in use

v1.0.5 (22/03/2022)



  • Issues with polycoeffs logK in GWB database generation have been resolved. The polynomial coefficients were rounded off to shorter significant factors in the previous implementation, which hampered the ability to generate the correct logK values. This update fixed that by extending the significant factors.


v1.0.4 (10/03/2022)


  • A new option was implemented to automatically specify the structuring layer for calclogKclays with the goal of achieving charge balance of 14 for the ‘7A’ group, 22 for the ‘10A’ group and 28 for the ‘14A’ group.



v1.0.3 (17/02/2022)


  • Added the importlib_metadata dependencies.



v1.0.2 (02/02/2022)



  • Modified the iapws95 class function because the previous implementation had issues with using fsolve solver to solve for an array of data to find the roots of any function.


v1.0.1 (01/02/2022)


  • Python tutorial files have been added.



v1.0.0 (31/01/2022)

  • This is the first release of pygcc!