#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Mar 17 16:02:22 2021
@author: adedapo.awolayo and Ben Tutolo, University of Calgary
Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, Adedapo Awolayo and Ben Tutolo, University of Calgary
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import math, os
import numpy as np
from .water_eos import iapws95, ZhangDuan, water_dielec, convert_temperature
from .species_eos import heatcap, supcrtaq
from .read_db import db_reader
def roundup_tenth(x):
return int(math.ceil(x / 10.0)) * 10
def Molecularweight():
This function stores the Molecular weight of all elements
MW = {'O': 15.9994,
'Ag': 107.8682,
'Al': 26.98154,
'Am': 243.0,
'Ar': 39.948,
'Au': 196.96654,
'B': 10.811,
'Ba': 137.327,
'Be': 9.01218,
'Br': 79.904,
'Ca': 40.078,
'Cd': 112.411,
'Ce': 140.115,
'Cl': 35.4527,
'Co': 58.9332,
'Cr': 51.9961,
'Cs': 132.90543,
'Cu': 63.546,
'Dy': 162.5,
'Er': 167.26,
'Eu': 151.965,
'F': 18.9984,
'Fe': 55.847,
'Ga': 69.723,
'Gd': 157.25,
'H': 1.00794,
'As': 74.92159,
'C': 12.011,
'P': 30.97376,
'He': 4.0026,
'Hg': 200.59,
'Ho': 164.93032,
'I': 126.90447,
'In': 114.82,
'K': 39.0983,
'Kr': 83.8,
'La': 138.9055,
'Li': 6.941,
'Lu': 174.967,
'Mg': 24.305,
'Mn': 54.93805,
'Mo': 95.94,
'N': 14.00674,
'Na': 22.98977,
'Nd': 144.24,
'Ne': 20.1797,
'Ni': 58.69,
'Np': 237.048,
'Pb': 207.2,
'Pd': 106.42,
'Pr': 140.90765,
'Pu': 244.0,
'Ra': 226.025,
'Rb': 85.4678,
'Re': 186.207,
'Rn': 222.0,
'Ru': 101.07,
'S': 32.066,
'Sb': 121.75,
'Sc': 44.95591,
'Se': 78.96,
'Si': 28.0855,
'Sm': 150.36,
'Sn': 118.71,
'Sr': 87.62,
'Tb': 158.92534,
'Tc': 98.0,
'Th': 232.0381,
'Ti': 47.88,
'Tl': 204.3833,
'Tm': 168.93421,
'U': 238.0289,
'V': 50.9415,
'W': 183.85,
'Xe': 131.29,
'Y': 88.90585,
'Yb': 173.04,
'Zn': 65.39,
'Zr': 91.224}
return MW
MW = Molecularweight()
J_to_cal = 4.184
class solidsolution_thermo():
"""Class to calculate Ideal mixing model for solid-solutions, supporting multisite ideal formalism
X : float
End member mineral volume fraction or mole fraction of Mg in clinopyroxene
cpx_Ca : float
number of moles of Ca in clinopyroxene formula unit (=1 for Di, Hed) \n
T : float, vector
Temperature [°C] \n
P : float, vector
Pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dict
dictionary of species from direct-access database, optional, default is speq21 \n
solidsolution_type : string
specify either 'All' or 'plagioclase' or 'olivine' or 'pyroxene' or 'cpx' or 'alk-feldspar' or 'biotite' to carry-out all or any solid-solution calculations, default is 'All'
Dielec_method : string
specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
ThermoInUnit : string
specify either 'cal' or 'KJ' as the input units for species properties (optional), particularly used to covert KJ data to cal by supcrtaq function if not specified default - 'cal'
Al_Si : string
specify either 'pygcc' or 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson' as the input to express Al and Si species in solid solution (optional), 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson' expresses them as 'Al(OH)4-' and 'H4SiO4(aq)', respectively while pygcc uses 'Al3+' and 'SiO2(aq)', respectively if not specified default - 'pygcc'
rhoEG : dict
dictionary of water properties like density (rho), dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
if 'All' is specified for solidsolution_type, each case has the follwowing prefix - AnAb_, FoFa_, EnFe_, cpx_, AlkFed_, Biotite_ \n
logK : float, vector
logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dict
The calculated dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties has the following properties:
* type: solid-solution mineral type, [-]
* name: solid-solution name, [K]
* formula: solid-solution mineral formula, [-]
* MW: Molecular weight, [g/mol]
* min: solid-solution mineral properties, ['formula', 'source date', dG[cal/ml], dH[cal/mol], S[cal/mol-K], V[cm3/mol], a[cal/mol-K], b[10^3 cal/mol/K^2], c[10^-5 cal/mol/K]]
* spec: list of species, [-]
* coeff: list of corresponding coefficients of species above, [-]
* nSpec: Total number of species, [-]
* V: Molar volume, [cm3/mol]
* source: Source of thermo data, [kJ/kg·K]
* elements: list of elements and their total numbers, [-]
The general usage of water_dielec is as follows: \n
(1) For water dielectric properties at any Temperature and Pressure: \n
ss = solidsolution_thermo(T = T, P = P, X = X, solidsolution_type = 'All', Dielec_method = 'JN91'), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar
(2) For water dielectric properties at any Temperature and density : \n
ss = solidsolution_thermo(T = T, rho = rho, X = X, solidsolution_type = 'All', Dielec_method = 'JN91'), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and rho is density in kg/m³
(3) For water dielectric properties at any Temperature and Pressure on steam saturation curve: \n
ss = solidsolution_thermo(T = T, P = 'T', X = X, solidsolution_type = 'All', Dielec_method = 'JN91'), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is assigned a quoted character 'T' to reflect steam saturation pressure \n
ss = solidsolution_thermo(P = P, T = 'P', X = X, solidsolution_type = 'All', Dielec_method = 'JN91'), \n
where P is pressure in bar and T is assigned a quoted character 'P' to reflect steam saturation temperature
>>> ss = solidsolution_thermo(cpx_Ca = 0.5, X = 0.85, T = 30, P = 50,
solidsolution_type = 'All')
>>> ss.AnAb_logK, ss.FoFa_logK, ss.EnFe_logK, ss.cpx_logK, ss.AlkFed_logK,
21.750590, 26.570902, 10.793372, 20.577152, 3.756792, 32.96363
>>> ss = solidsolution_thermo(cpx_Ca = 1, X = 0.85, T = 50, P = 100,
solidsolution_type = 'cpx')
>>> ss.logK
>>> ss.Rxn
{'type': 'cpx', 'name': 'Di85Hed15',
'formula': 'Ca1.00Mg0.85Fe0.15Si2O6', 'MW': 221.2817,
'min': ['Ca1.00Mg0.85Fe0.15Si2O6', ' R&H95, Stef2001',
-711392.7391800061, nan, 37.032850185405415, 66.369,
106.66383843212236, -0.019588551625239002, -16326.4818355,
-1052.9517208413004, 5.714746653919693e-06],
'spec': ['H+', 'Ca++', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O'],
'coeff': [-4, 1.0, 0.85, 0.15, 2, 2], 'nSpec': 6, 'V': 66.369,
'source': ' R&H95, Stef2001', 'elements': ['1.0000', 'Ca', '0.8500',
'Mg', '0.1500', 'Fe', '2.0000',
'Si', '6.0000', 'O']}
>>> ss = solidsolution_thermo(X = 0.5, T = 50, P = 100,
solidsolution_type = 'plagioclase')
>>> ss.logK
>>> ss.Rxn
{'type': 'plag', 'name': 'An50', 'formula': 'Ca0.50Na0.50Al1.50Si2.50O8',
'MW': 270.215145, 'min': ['Ca0.50Na0.50Al1.50Si2.50O8', ' R&H95,
Stef2001', -919965.222804649, nan,
47.33081919017781, 100.43, 131.53908221797,
-0.022148661567686426, 32265.761759082205,
-1316.0836615678777, 7.719885114722753e-06],
'spec': ['H+', 'Al+++', 'Na+', 'Ca++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O'],
'coeff': [-6.0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 3.0], 'nSpec': 6, 'V': 100.43,
'source': ' R&H95, Stef2001', 'elements': ['0.5000', 'Ca', '0.5000',
'Na', '1.5000', 'Al', '2.5000',
'Si', '8.0000', 'O']}
kwargs = {"X": None,
"cpx_Ca": 0.5,
"T": None,
"P": None, "ThermoInUnit": 'cal',
"Dielec_method": None, "solidsolution_type": 'All',
"rhoEG": None, "dbaccessdic": None, "Al_Si": 'pygcc'}
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = solidsolution_thermo.kwargs.copy()
def __calc__(self, **kwargs): #
self.X = self.kwargs["X"]
self.cpx_Ca = self.kwargs["cpx_Ca"]
self.ThermoInUnit = self.kwargs["ThermoInUnit"]
self.Al_Si = self.kwargs["Al_Si"]
if self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower() == 'all':
self.AnAb_logK, self.AnAb_Rxn = self.calclogKAnAb(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.FoFa_logK, self.FoFa_Rxn = self.calclogKFoFa(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.EnFe_logK, self.EnFe_Rxn = self.calclogKEnFe(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.cpx_logK, self.cpx_Rxn = self.calclogKDiHedEnFe(self.cpx_Ca, self.X, self.T, self.P,
self.dbaccessdic, self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.AlkFed_logK, self.AlkFed_Rxn = self.calclogKAbOr(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.Biotite_logK, self.Biotite_Rxn = self.calclogKBiotite(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('plag'):
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKAnAb(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('ol'):
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKFoFa(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('py'):
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKEnFe(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('cpx'):
if self.cpx_Ca > 0:
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKDiHedEnFe(self.cpx_Ca, self.X, self.T, self.P,
self.dbaccessdic, self.rhoEG,
Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKEnFe(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('alk'):
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKAbOr(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
elif self.kwargs["solidsolution_type"].lower().startswith('bio'):
self.logK, self.Rxn = self.calclogKBiotite(self.X, self.T, self.P, self.dbaccessdic,
self.rhoEG, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method)
def __checker__(self, **kwargs):
self.T = self.kwargs["T"]
self.P = self.kwargs["P"]
self.rhoEG = self.kwargs['rhoEG']
self.Dielec_method = 'JN91' if self.kwargs["Dielec_method"] is None else self.kwargs["Dielec_method"]
if (type(self.P) == str) or (type(self.T) == str):
if self.P == 'T':
self.P = iapws95(T = self.TC).P
self.P[np.isnan(self.P) | (self.P < 1)] = 1.0133
elif self.TC == 'P':
self.TC = iapws95(P = self.P).TC
if np.ndim(self.T) == 0 :
self.T = np.array(self.T).ravel()
# elif np.size(self.T) == 2:
# self.T = np.array([roundup_tenth(j) if j != 0 else 0.01 for j in np.linspace(self.T[0], self.T[-1], 8)])
if np.size(self.P) <= 2:
self.P = np.ravel(self.P)
self.P = self.P[0]*np.ones(np.size(self.T))
if self.rhoEG is None:
if self.Dielec_method.upper() == 'DEW':
water = ZhangDuan(T = self.T, P = self.P)
water = iapws95(T = self.T, P = self.P)
rho, dGH2O = water.rho, water.G
E = water_dielec(T = self.T, P = self.P, Dielec_method = self.Dielec_method).E
self.rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
if self.kwargs['dbaccessdic'] == None:
dbaccess_dir = './default_db/speq21.dat'
dbaccess_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), dbaccess_dir)
self.dbaccessdic = db_reader(dbaccess = dbaccess_dir).dbaccessdic
self.dbaccessdic = self.kwargs['dbaccessdic']
def calclogKAnAb(self, XAn, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of Plagioclase minerals
XAn : volume fraction of Anorthite \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logKplag : logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKAnAb without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAnAb(XAn, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAnAb(XAn, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAnAb(XAn, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAnAb(XAn, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
Rxn = {}
Rxn['type'] = 'plag'
XAb = 1 - XAn
nH = (8 - 4*XAb)
nAl = (2 - XAb)
nH2O = (4 - 2*XAb)
nNa = XAb
nCa = (1 - XAb)
nSi = (2 + XAb)
if XAn == 1:
Rxn['name'] ='Anorthite'
Rxn['formula'] ='CaAl2(SiO4)2'
elif XAn == 0:
Rxn['name'] ='Albite'
Rxn['formula'] ='NaAlSi3O8'
Rxn['name'] = 'An%d' % (XAn*100)
Rxn['formula'] = 'Ca%1.2f' % nCa + 'Na%1.2f' % nNa + 'Al%1.2f' % nAl + 'Si%1.2f' % nSi + 'O8'
Rxn['MW'] = nCa*MW['Ca'] + nNa* MW['Na'] + nAl*MW['Al'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 8*MW['O']
R = 1.9872041
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGAl = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Al+++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGAl = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Al(OH)4-'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H4SiO4(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
nH2O = nH2O + 2*nSi
dGNa = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Na+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGCa = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Ca++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
if (XAn < 1) & (XAn != 0):
Smix=-R*(XAb*np.log((XAb*(4-XAb**2)*(2+XAb)**2)/27) + \
dGplag = XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][2] + XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Anorthite'][2] + R*298.15*Smix
Splag = XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][4] + XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Anorthite'][4] - R*Smix
Vplag = XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][5] + XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Anorthite'][5]
Cpplag = [a + b for a, b in zip([XAb*x for x in dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][6:11] ],
[XAn*y for y in dbaccessdic['ss_Anorthite'][6:11] ])]
Rxn['min'] = [dGplag, np.nan, Splag, Vplag] + Cpplag
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1,' R&H95, Stef2001')
plag = Rxn['min']
dGplagTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = plag).dG
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
coeff = [-nH, nAl, nNa, nCa, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Al+++', 'Na+', 'Ca++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
coeff = [nAl, nNa, nCa, nSi, -nH2O]
spec = ['Al(OH)4-', 'Na+', 'Ca++', 'H4SiO4(aq)', 'H2O']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y!=0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y!=0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGrxn = -dGplagTP - nH*dGH + nAl*dGAl + nH2O*dGH2O + nNa*dGNa+ nCa*dGCa + nSi*dGSiO2aq
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGrxn = -dGplagTP + nAl*dGAl - nH2O*dGH2O + nNa*dGNa+ nCa*dGCa + nSi*dGSiO2aq
logKplag = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) #np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5] #,'%8.3f')
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, Stef2001'
elements = ['%.4f' % nCa, 'Ca', '%.4f' % nNa, 'Na', '%.4f' % nAl, 'Al', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '8.0000', 'O']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
return logKplag, Rxn
def calclogKFoFa( self, XFo, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None ):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of olivine minerals \n
XFo : volume fraction of Forsterite \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logK_ol : logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKFoFa without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKFoFa(XFo, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKFoFa(XFo, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKFoFa(XFo, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKFoFa(XFo, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
Tref = 25; Pref = 1
rho = rhoEG['rho'].ravel(); E = rhoEG['E'].ravel()
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
# if no reference Temperature and Pressure is found, append to the bottom
if any((TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)) == False:
water = iapws95(T = Tref, P = Pref)
rhoref, dGH2Oref = water.rho, water.G
Eref = water_dielec(T = Tref, P = Pref, Dielec_method = Dielec_method).E
TC = np.concatenate([TC, np.ravel(Tref)])
P = np.concatenate([P, np.ravel(Pref)])
rho = np.concatenate([rho, np.ravel(rhoref)])
E = np.concatenate([E, np.ravel(Eref)])
dGH2O = np.concatenate([dGH2O, np.ravel(dGH2Oref)])
rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
Rxn = {}
XFa = 1-XFo
nH = 4
nMg = 2*XFo
nFe = 2*XFa
nSi = 1
nH2O = 2
if XFo == 1:
elif XFo == 0:
Rxn['name'] = 'Fo%d' % (XFo*100)
Rxn['formula']= 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O4'
Rxn['MW'] = nMg*MW['Mg'] + nFe*MW['Fe'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 4*MW['O']
R = 1.9872041
WH = 10366.2/J_to_cal
WS = 4/J_to_cal
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H4SiO4(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
nH2O = nH2O - 2*nSi
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGFe = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Fe++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGMg = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Mg++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
if (XFo == 1) | (XFo == 0):
Sconf = 0
Sconf = -2*R*(XFo*np.log(XFo) + XFa*np.log(XFa))
dG_ol = XFa*dbaccessdic['ss_Fayalite'][2] + XFo*dbaccessdic['ss_Forsterite'][2]
S_ol = XFa*dbaccessdic['ss_Fayalite'][4] + XFo*dbaccessdic['ss_Forsterite'][4] + Sconf
V_ol = XFa*dbaccessdic['ss_Fayalite'][5] + XFo*dbaccessdic['ss_Forsterite'][5]
Cp_ol = [a + b for a, b in zip([XFa*x for x in dbaccessdic['ss_Fayalite'][6:11] ],
[XFo*y for y in dbaccessdic['ss_Forsterite'][6:11] ])]
Gex = WG*XFo*XFa
dG_ol = dG_ol + Gex - 298.15*Sconf
Rxn['min'] = [dG_ol, np.nan, S_ol, V_ol] + Cp_ol
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1,' R&H95, Stef2001')
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
coeff = [-nH, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
coeff = [-nH, nMg, nFe, nSi]
spec = ['H+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'H4SiO4(aq)']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y!=0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y!=0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
logK_ol = np.zeros([len(TK), 1])
ol = Rxn['min']
dGolTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = ol).dG
dGrxn = -dGolTP - nH*dGH + nMg*dGMg + nFe*dGFe + nH2O*dGH2O + nSi*dGSiO2aq
logK_ol = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) #np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['min'][2] = dG_ol[(TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)][0]
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5] #,'%8.3f')
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, Stef2001'
elements = ['%.4f' % nMg, 'Mg', '%.4f' % nFe, 'Fe', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '4.0000', 'O']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
if (TC[-1] == Tref) & (P[-1] == Pref):
logK_ol = logK_ol[:-1]
return logK_ol, Rxn
def calclogKEnFe( self, XEn, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None ):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of pyroxene minerals \n
XEn : volume fraction of Enstatite \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logK_opx : logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKEnFe without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKEnFe(XEn, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKEnFe(XEn, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKEnFe(XEn, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKEnFe(XEn, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
rho = rhoEG['rho'].ravel()
E = rhoEG['E'].ravel()
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
Tref = 25; Pref = 1
# if no reference Temperature and Pressure is found, append to the bottom
if any((TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)) == False:
water = iapws95(T = Tref, P = Pref)
rhoref, dGH2Oref = water.rho, water.G
Eref = water_dielec(T = Tref, P = Pref, Dielec_method = Dielec_method).E
TC = np.concatenate([TC, np.ravel(Tref)])
P = np.concatenate([P, np.ravel(Pref)])
rho = np.concatenate([rho, np.ravel(rhoref)])
E = np.concatenate([E, np.ravel(Eref)])
dGH2O = np.concatenate([dGH2O, np.ravel(dGH2Oref)])
rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
Rxn = {}
Rxn['type'] = 'opx'
XFe = 1 - XEn
nH = 2
nMg = XEn
nFe = XFe
nSi = 1
nH2O = 1
if XEn == 1:
Rxn['name'] = 'Enstatite'
Rxn['formula'] = 'MgSiO3'
elif XEn == 0:
Rxn['name'] = 'Ferrosilite'
Rxn['formula'] = 'FeSiO3'
Rxn['name'] = 'En%d' % (XEn*100)
Rxn['formula'] = 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O3'
Rxn['MW'] = nMg*MW['Mg'] + nFe*MW['Fe'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 3*MW['O']
R = 1.9872041
WH = -2600.4/J_to_cal
WS = -1.34/J_to_cal
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H4SiO4(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
nH2O = nH2O - 2*nSi
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGFe = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Fe++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGMg = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Mg++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
if (XEn == 1) | (XEn == 0):
Sconf = 0
Sconf = -1*R*(XEn*np.log(XEn) + XFe*np.log(XFe))
dG_opx = XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Enstatite'][2] + XFe*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][2]
S_opx = XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Enstatite'][4] + XFe*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][4] + Sconf
V_opx = XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Enstatite'][5] + XFe*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][5]
Cp_opx = [a + b for a, b in zip([XEn*x for x in dbaccessdic['ss_Enstatite'][6:11] ],
[XFe*y for y in dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][6:11] ])]
Gex = WG*XEn*XFe
dG_opx = dG_opx + Gex - 298.15*Sconf
Rxn['min'] = [dG_opx, np.nan, S_opx, V_opx] + Cp_opx
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1, ' R&H95, Stef2001')
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
coeff = [-nH, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
coeff = [-nH, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'H4SiO4(aq)', 'H2O']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y != 0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y != 0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
opx = Rxn['min']
dGopxTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = opx).dG
dGrxn = -dGopxTP - nH*dGH + nMg*dGMg + nFe*dGFe + nH2O*dGH2O + nSi*dGSiO2aq
logK_opx = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) # np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['min'][2] = dG_opx[(TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)][0]
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5] #,'%8.3f')
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, Stef2001'
elements = ['%.4f' % nMg, 'Mg', '%.4f' % nFe, 'Fe', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '3.0000', 'O']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
if (TC[-1] == Tref) & (P[-1] == Pref):
logK_opx = logK_opx[:-1]
return logK_opx, Rxn
def calclogKDiHedEnFe( self, nCa, XMg, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None ):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of clinopyroxene
minerals (Di, Hed, En and Fe) \n
nCa : number of moles of Ca in formula unit (=1 for Di, Hed)
and must be greater than zero \n
XMg : mole fraction of Mg
XMg = (nMg/(nFe + nMg)) \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logK_cpx : logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKDiHedEnFe without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKDiHedEnFe(nCa, XMg, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKDiHedEnFe(nCa, XMg, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKDiHedEnFe(nCa, XMg, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKDiHedEnFe(nCa, XMg, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
rho = rhoEG['rho'].ravel()
E = rhoEG['E'].ravel()
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
Tref = 25; Pref = 1
# if no reference Temperature and Pressure is found, append to the bottom
if any((TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)) == False:
water = iapws95(T = Tref, P = Pref)
rhoref, dGH2Oref = water.rho, water.G
Eref = water_dielec(T = Tref, P = Pref, Dielec_method = Dielec_method).E
TC = np.concatenate([TC, np.ravel(Tref)])
P = np.concatenate([P, np.ravel(Pref)])
rho = np.concatenate([rho, np.ravel(rhoref)])
E = np.concatenate([E, np.ravel(Eref)])
dGH2O = np.concatenate([dGH2O, np.ravel(dGH2Oref)])
rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
R = 1.9872041
if nCa >= 1:
XDi = XMg
XHed = 1-XDi
XEn = 0
XFs = 0
XDi = XMg*nCa
XHed = (1 - XMg)*nCa
Xopx = 1 -nCa
XEn = XMg*Xopx
XFs = (1 - XMg)*Xopx
#start on M1 parms
WH_M1 = -1910/J_to_cal
WS_M1 = -1.05/J_to_cal
if nCa < 1:
# for the M1 (i.e., opx) component of cpx
Mg_M1 = XEn*2 # %multiplying by 2 b/c thermo props multiplied by 2
Fe_M1 = XFs*2 # %multiplying by 2 b/c thermo props multiplied by 2
XFe_M1 = Fe_M1/(Fe_M1 + Mg_M1)
XMg_M1 = Mg_M1/(Fe_M1 + Mg_M1)
if (XEn == 0) | (XFs == 0):
Sconf_M1 = 0 # if you don't do this, you take log of 0
Sconf_M1 = -1*R*(XFe_M1*np.log(XFe_M1) + XMg_M1*np.log(XMg_M1))
else: #No M1 if nCa >=1
XMg_M1 = 0; Mg_M1 = 0
XFe_M1 = 0; Fe_M1 = 0
Sconf_M1 = 0
WG_M1 = WH_M1 - TK*WS_M1
Gex_M1 = WG_M1*XFe_M1*XMg_M1
WG_M1_25 = WH_M1 - 298.15*WS_M1
Gex_M1_25 = WG_M1_25*XFe_M1*XMg_M1
# now start on the M2 part
WH_M2 = 0./J_to_cal
WS_M2 = 0./J_to_cal
Fe_M2 = (XHed)
Mg_M2 = (XDi)
Ca_M2 = (XHed + XDi)
Tot_M2 = Fe_M2 + Mg_M2 + Ca_M2
XFe_M2 = Fe_M2/Tot_M2
XMg_M2 = Mg_M2/Tot_M2
XCa_M2 = Ca_M2/Tot_M2
if (XHed == 0) | (XDi == 0):
Sconf_M2 = 0
#because of the entropy term in WG, Gex and dGol are T-dependent, thus must
#do the logK calculation on a piecewise basis.
Sconf_M2 = -1*R*( XFe_M2*np.log(XFe_M2) + XMg_M2*np.log(XMg_M2) + \
WG_M2 = WH_M2 - TK*WS_M2
Gex_M2 = WG_M2*XDi*XHed
WG_M2_25 = WH_M2 - 298.15*WS_M2
Gex_M2_25 = WG_M2_25*XFe_M2*XMg_M2
Rxn = {}
nH = 4
nMg = round(Mg_M1 + Mg_M2, 2)
nFe = round(Fe_M1 + Fe_M2, 2)
nCa = round(Ca_M2, 2)
nSi = 2
nH2O = 2
if (XEn == 0):
if (XFs == 0):
if XDi == 1:
Rxn['name'] = 'Diopside'
elif XHed == 1:
Rxn['name'] = 'Hedenbergite'
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100)
elif (XHed == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
elif (XDi == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
elif (XFs == 0):
if (XHed == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100)
elif (XDi == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100)
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100)
elif (XHed == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
elif (XDi == 0):
Rxn['name'] = 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
Rxn['name'] = 'Di%d' % round(XDi*100) + 'Hed%d' % round(XHed*100) + 'En%d' % round(XEn*100) + 'Fe%d' % round(XFs*100)
if (nCa == 0):
Rxn['formula'] = 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
elif (nMg == 0):
if (nCa == 1) and (nFe == 1):
Rxn['formula'] = 'CaFe' + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
Rxn['formula'] = 'Ca%1.2f' % nCa + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
elif (nFe == 0):
if (nCa == 1) and (nMg == 1):
Rxn['formula'] = 'CaMg' + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
Rxn['formula'] = 'Ca%1.2f' % nCa + 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
Rxn['formula'] = 'Ca%1.2f' % nCa + 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Si%s' % nSi + 'O6'
Rxn['MW'] = nCa*MW['Ca'] + nMg*MW['Mg'] + nFe*MW['Fe'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 6*MW['O']
R = 1.9872041
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H4SiO4(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
nH2O = nH2O - 2*nSi
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGFe = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Fe++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGMg = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Mg++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGCa = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Ca++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
# Addition of M1 and M2 sites
Sconf = Sconf_M1 + Sconf_M2
dG_cpx_noGex = 2*XFs*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][2] + 2*XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Clinoenstatite'][2] + \
XHed*dbaccessdic['ss_Hedenbergite'][2] + XDi*dbaccessdic['ss_Diopside'][2]
dG_cpx_25 = dG_cpx_noGex + Gex_M1_25 + Gex_M2_25
S_cpx = 2*XFs*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][4] + 2*XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Clinoenstatite'][4] + \
XHed*dbaccessdic['ss_Hedenbergite'][4] + XDi*dbaccessdic['ss_Diopside'][4] + Sconf
V_cpx = 2*XFs*dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][5] + 2*XEn*dbaccessdic['ss_Clinoenstatite'][5] + \
XHed*dbaccessdic['ss_Hedenbergite'][5] + XDi*dbaccessdic['ss_Diopside'][5]
Cp_cpx = [i + j + k + l for i, j, k, l in zip([2*XFs*a for a in dbaccessdic['ss_Ferrosilite'][6:11] ],
[2*XEn*b for b in dbaccessdic['ss_Clinoenstatite'][6:11] ],
[XHed*c for c in dbaccessdic['ss_Hedenbergite'][6:11] ],
[XDi*d for d in dbaccessdic['ss_Diopside'][6:11] ] ) ]
# because of the entropy term in WG, Gex and dGol are T-dependent, thus must do the logK calculation on a piecewise basis.
dG_cpx = dG_cpx_25 + Gex_M1 + Gex_M2 - TK*Sconf
Rxn['min'] = [dG_cpx, np.nan, S_cpx, V_cpx] + Cp_cpx
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1,' R&H95, Stef2001')
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
coeff = [-nH, nCa, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Ca++', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
coeff = [-nH, nCa, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Ca++', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'H4SiO4(aq)', 'H2O']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y != 0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y != 0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
cpx = Rxn['min']
dGcpxTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = cpx).dG
dGrxn = - dGcpxTP - nH*dGH + nCa*dGCa + nMg*dGMg + nFe*dGFe + nH2O*dGH2O + nSi*dGSiO2aq
logK_cpx = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) # np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['min'][2] = dG_cpx[(TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)][0]
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5]
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, Stef2001'
elements = ['%.4f' % nCa, 'Ca', '%.4f' % nMg, 'Mg', '%.4f' % nFe, 'Fe', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '6.0000', 'O']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
if (TC[-1] == Tref) & (P[-1] == Pref):
logK_cpx = logK_cpx[:-1]
return logK_cpx, Rxn
def calclogKAbOr( self, XAb, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of Alkaline-Feldspar minerals
XAb : volume fraction of Albite \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logKalkfeld: logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKAnAb without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
rho = rhoEG['rho'].ravel()
E = rhoEG['E'].ravel()
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
Tref = 25; Pref = 1
# if no reference Temperature and Pressure is found, append to the bottom
if any((TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)) == False:
water = iapws95(T = Tref, P = Pref)
rhoref, dGH2Oref = water.rho, water.G
Eref = water_dielec(T = Tref, P = Pref, Dielec_method = Dielec_method).E
TC = np.concatenate([TC, np.ravel(Tref)])
P = np.concatenate([P, np.ravel(Pref)])
rho = np.concatenate([rho, np.ravel(rhoref)])
E = np.concatenate([E, np.ravel(Eref)])
dGH2O = np.concatenate([dGH2O, np.ravel(dGH2Oref)])
rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
Rxn = {}
Rxn['type'] = 'Alk feldspar'
XOr = 1 - XAb
nNa = XAb
nK = (1 - XAb)
nH = 4
nAl = 1
nH2O = 2
nSi = 3
if XAb == 1:
Rxn['name'] ='Albite'
Rxn['formula'] ='NaAlSi3O8'
elif XAb == 0:
Rxn['name'] ='K-Feldspar'
Rxn['formula'] ='KAlSi3O8'
Rxn['name'] = 'Alkfeld%d' % (XAb*100)
Rxn['formula'] = 'Na%1.2f' % nNa + 'K%1.2f' % nK + 'Al%1.2f' % nAl + 'Si%1.2f' % nSi + 'O8'
Rxn['MW'] = nNa* MW['Na'] + nK*MW['K'] + nAl*MW['Al'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 8*MW['O']
R = 1.9872041
WH = 23800/J_to_cal
WS = 0/J_to_cal
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGAl = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Al+++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGAl = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Al(OH)4-'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H4SiO4(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
nH2O = nH2O + 2*nSi
dGNa = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Na+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGK = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['K+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
if (XAb < 1) & (XAb != 0):
Sconf = -R*(XOr*np.log(XOr) + XAb*np.log(XAb))
Sconf = 0
dGalk = XOr*dbaccessdic['ss_K-feldspar'][2] + XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][2]
Salk = XOr*dbaccessdic['ss_K-feldspar'][4] + XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][4] + Sconf
Valk = (XOr*dbaccessdic['ss_K-feldspar'][5] + XAb*dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][5]) #*(P - 1)
Cpalk = [a + b for a, b in zip([XOr*x for x in dbaccessdic['ss_K-feldspar'][6:11] ],
[XAb*y for y in dbaccessdic['ss_Albite_high'][6:11] ])]
Gex = WG*XAb*XOr
dGalk = dGalk + Gex - 298.15*Sconf
Rxn['min'] = [dGalk, np.nan, Salk, Valk] + Cpalk
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1,' R&H95, A&S99')
alk = Rxn['min']
dGalkTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = alk).dG
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
coeff = [-nH, nAl, nNa, nK, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Al+++', 'Na+', 'K+', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
coeff = [nAl, nNa, nK, nSi, -nH2O]
spec = ['Al(OH)4-', 'Na+', 'K+', 'H4SiO4(aq)', 'H2O']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y!=0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y!=0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
if self.Al_Si == 'pygcc':
dGrxn = - dGalkTP - nH*dGH + nAl*dGAl + nH2O*dGH2O + nNa*dGNa+ nK*dGK + nSi*dGSiO2aq
elif self.Al_Si == 'Arnórsson_Stefánsson':
dGrxn = -dGalkTP + nAl*dGAl - nH2O*dGH2O + nNa*dGNa+ nK*dGK + nSi*dGSiO2aq
logKalkfeld = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) # np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['min'][2] = dGalk[(TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)][0]
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5] #,'%8.3f')
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, A&S99'
elements = ['%.4f' % nNa, 'Na', '%.4f' % nK, 'K', '%.4f' % nAl, 'Al', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '8.0000', 'O']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
if (TC[-1] == Tref) & (P[-1] == Pref):
logKalkfeld = logKalkfeld[:-1]
return logKalkfeld, Rxn
def calclogKBiotite( self, XPh, TC, P, dbaccessdic, rhoEG, Dielec_method = None):
This function calculates thermodynamic properties of solid solution of Biotite minerals
XAb : volume fraction of Albite \n
TC : temperature [°C] \n
P : pressure [bar] \n
dbaccessdic : dictionary of species from direct-access database \n
Dielec_method : specify either 'FGL97' or 'JN91' or 'DEW' as the method to calculate
dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - 'JN91'
rhoEG : dictionary of water properties like density (rho),
dielectric factor (E) and Gibbs Energy (optional)
logKalkfeld: logarithmic K values \n
Rxn : dictionary of reaction thermodynamic properties
The general usage of calclogKAnAb without the optional argument is as follows: \n
(1) Not on steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, P, dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar;
(2) On steam saturation curve: \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, 'T', dbaccessdic), \n
where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char 'T' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, P, 'P', dbaccessdic), \n
where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char 'P'.
(3) Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method ('FGL97') for
condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is 'JN91' \n
[logK, Rxn] = calclogKAbOr(XAb, TC, P, dbaccessdic, Dielec_method = 'FGL97')
rho = rhoEG['rho'].ravel()
E = rhoEG['E'].ravel()
dGH2O = rhoEG['dGH2O'].ravel()
Tref = 25; Pref = 1
# if no reference Temperature and Pressure is found, append to the bottom
if any((TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)) == False:
water = iapws95(T = Tref, P = Pref)
rhoref, dGH2Oref = water.rho, water.G
Eref = water_dielec(T = Tref, P = Pref, Dielec_method = Dielec_method).E
TC = np.concatenate([TC, np.ravel(Tref)])
P = np.concatenate([P, np.ravel(Pref)])
rho = np.concatenate([rho, np.ravel(rhoref)])
E = np.concatenate([E, np.ravel(Eref)])
dGH2O = np.concatenate([dGH2O, np.ravel(dGH2Oref)])
rhoEG = {'rho': rho, 'E': E, 'dGH2O': dGH2O}
TK = convert_temperature( TC, Out_Unit = 'K' )
Rxn = {}
Rxn['type'] = 'Biotite'
XAn = 1 - XPh
nFe = 3*XAn
nMg = 3*XPh
nK = 1
nH = 10
nAl = 1
nH2O = 6
nSi = 3
if XPh == 0:
Rxn['name'] ='Annite'
Rxn['formula'] ='KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2'
elif XPh == 1:
Rxn['name'] ='Phlogopite'
Rxn['formula'] ='KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2'
Rxn['name'] = 'Biotite_Mg_Fe_ratio%s' % np.round(nMg/nFe, 2)
Rxn['formula'] = 'K%1.2f' % nK + 'Mg%1.2f' % nMg + 'Fe%1.2f' % nFe + 'Al%1.2f' % nAl + 'Si%1.2f' % nSi + 'O10(OH)2'
Rxn['MW'] = nK*MW['K'] + nMg* MW['Mg'] + nFe* MW['Fe'] + nAl*MW['Al'] + nSi*MW['Si'] + 12*MW['O'] + 2*MW['H']
R = 1.9872041
WH = 9000/J_to_cal
WS = 0/J_to_cal
dGAl = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Al+++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGSiO2aq = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['SiO2(aq)'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGH = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['H+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGMg = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Mg++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGFe = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['Fe++'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
dGK = supcrtaq(TC, P, dbaccessdic['K+'], Dielec_method = Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit = self.ThermoInUnit, **rhoEG)
if (XAn < 1) & (XAn != 0):
Sconf = -3*R*(XAn*np.log(XAn) + XPh*np.log(XPh))
Sconf = 0
dGbiot = XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Annite'][2] + XPh*dbaccessdic['ss_Phlogopite'][2]
Sbiot = XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Annite'][4] + XPh*dbaccessdic['ss_Phlogopite'][4] + Sconf
Vbiot = (XAn*dbaccessdic['ss_Annite'][5] + XPh*dbaccessdic['ss_Phlogopite'][5])
Cpbiot = [a + b for a, b in zip([XAn*x for x in dbaccessdic['ss_Annite'][6:11] ],
[XPh*y for y in dbaccessdic['ss_Phlogopite'][6:11] ])]
Gex = WG*XAn*XPh
dGbiot = dGbiot + Gex - 298.15*Sconf
Rxn['min'] = [dGbiot, np.nan, Sbiot, Vbiot] + Cpbiot
Rxn['min'].insert(0, Rxn['formula'])
Rxn['min'].insert(1,' R&H95, P&H99')
biot = Rxn['min']
dGbiotTP = heatcap( T = TC, P = P, method = 'HF76', Species_ppt = biot).dG
coeff = [-nH, nAl, nK, nMg, nFe, nSi, nH2O]
spec = ['H+', 'Al+++', 'K+', 'Mg++', 'Fe++', 'SiO2(aq)', 'H2O']
Rxn['spec'] = [x for x, y in zip(spec, coeff) if y!=0]
Rxn['coeff'] = [y for y in coeff if y!=0]
Rxn['nSpec'] = len(Rxn['coeff'])
dGrxn = - dGbiotTP - nH*dGH + nAl*dGAl + nMg*dGMg + nFe*dGFe + nK*dGK + nSi*dGSiO2aq + nH2O*dGH2O
logKbiot = (-dGrxn/R/(TK)/np.log(10)) # np.log10(np.exp(-dGrxn/R/(TK)))
Rxn['min'][2] = dGbiot[(TC == Tref) & (P == Pref)][0]
Rxn['V'] = Rxn['min'][5]
Rxn['source'] = ' R&H95, P&H99'
elements = ['%.4f' % nK, 'K', '%.4f' % nMg, 'Mg', '%.4f' % nFe, 'Fe', '%.4f' % nAl, 'Al', '%.4f' % nSi, 'Si', '12.0000', 'O', '2.0000', 'H']
filters = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x%2 == 0 and float(y) == 0]
filters = [[x, x+1] for x, y in enumerate(elements) if y in filters]
filters = [num for elem in filters for num in elem]
Rxn['elements'] = [y for x, y in enumerate(elements) if x not in filters]
if (TC[-1] == Tref) & (P[-1] == Pref):
logKbiot = logKbiot[:-1]
return logKbiot, Rxn