
Created on Wed Mar 17 16:02:22 2021

@author: adedapo.awolayo and Ben Tutolo, University of Calgary

Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, Adedapo Awolayo and Ben Tutolo, University of Calgary

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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Functions implemented here include gas, mineral and aqueous species equation of state

Module Contents



Class to heat capacity for mineral and gases using Maier-Kelley powerlaw, Haas-Fisher powerlaw, Holland and Powell and Berman's function



This function calculates the elemental composition of a substance given by its chemical formula

supcrtaq(TC, P, specieppt[, Dielec_method, ThermoInUnit])

This function evaluates the Gibbs free energy of aqueous species at T and P




pygcc.species_eos.J_to_cal = 4.184

This function calculates the elemental composition of a substance given by its chemical formula It was a modified version of


formula (string) – Chemical formula


elements – dictionary of elemental composition and their respective number of atoms

Return type:



[elements] = Element_counts(formula)

Examples of valid formulas are “H2O”, “[2H]2O”, “CH3COOH”, “EtOH”, “CuSO4:5H2O”, “(COOH)2”, “AgCuRu4(H)2[CO]12{PPh3}2”, “CGCGAATTCGCG”, and, “MDRGEQGLLK” .

class pygcc.species_eos.heatcap(**kwargs)[source]

Class to heat capacity for mineral and gases using Maier-Kelley powerlaw, Haas-Fisher powerlaw, Holland and Powell and Berman’s function

  • T (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • Species_ppt (array) –

    Properties such as Supcrt92 (dG [cal/mol], dH [cal/mol], S [cal/mol-K], V [cm3/mol] a [cal/mol-K], b [*10**3 cal/mol/K^2],

    c [*10^-5 cal/mol/K], Ttrans [K], Htr [cal/mol], Vtr [cm³/mol], dPdTtr [bar/K] ): Berman’s database

    properties such as (dG [J/mol], dH [J/mol], S [J/mol-K], V [cm³/mol], k0, k1, k2, k3, v1 [*10^5 K^-1], v2 [*10^5 K^-2], v3 [*10^5 bar^-1], v4 [*10^8 bar^-2], dTdP [K/bar], Tlambda [K], Tref [K], l1 [(J/mol)^0.5/K], l2 [(J/mol)^0.5/K^2], DtH, d0 [J/mol], d1 [J/mol], d2 [J/mol], d3 [J/mol], d4 [J/mol], d5 [J/mol], Tmin [K], Tmax [K]): Supcrtbl’s database properties such as (dG [kJ/mol], dH [kJ/mol], S [J/mol-K], V [J/bar], a [kJ/mol-K], b [*10^5 kJ/mol/K^2], c [kJ-mol-K], d [kJ/mol/K^0.5], alpha [*10^5 K^-1], kappa0 [kbar], kappa0_d [kbar], kappa0_dd [kbar], n_atom [-], Tc0 [K], Smax [J/mol-K], Vmax [J/bar], dH [KJ/mol], dV [J/bar], W [kJ/mol], Wv [J/bar], n [-], SF [-]), etc

  • Species (string) – species name, optional for all cases except gases, Coesite and Quartz

  • method (string) – specify either ‘SUPCRT’ or ‘berman88’ or ‘HP11’ or ‘HF76’ to carry-out any mineral or gas heat capacity calculations, default is ‘SUPCRT’


  • dG (float, vector) – Gibbs Energy [cal/mol]

  • dCp (float, vector) – Heat capacity [cal/mol/K]


>>> # Example with Maier-Kelley powerlaw function as implemented in SUPCRT92
>>> from pygcc.pygcc_utils import db_reader
>>> ps = db_reader() # utilizes the default direct-access database, speq21
>>> sp = heatcap( T = 100, P = 50, Species = 'H2S(g)', Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['H2S(g)'], method = 'SUPCRT')
>>> sp.dG, sp.dCp
    -11782.47165818, 8.58416135
>>> sp = heatcap( T = 100, P = 50, Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['Quartz'], method = 'SUPCRT',
                      Species = 'Quartz')
>>> sp.dG, sp.dCp
    -205292.75498942, 12.34074489
>>> # Example with Haas-Fisher powerlaw function
>>> from pygcc.pygcc_utils import db_reader
>>> ps = db_reader() # utilizes the default direct-access database, speq21
>>> sp = heatcap( T = 100, P = 50, Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['ss_Anorthite'], method = 'HF76',
                 Species = 'ss_Anorthite')
>>> sp.dG, sp.dCp
    -960440.79915641, 57.46776903
>>> # Example with Berman's function
>>> from pygcc.pygcc_utils import db_reader
>>> # utilizes the default speq21 and specified Berman dataset database
>>> ps = db_reader(dbBerman_dir = './default_db/Berman.dat')
>>> sp = heatcap( T = 100, P = 50, Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['Quartz'], method = 'berman88',
                 Species = 'Quartz')
>>> sp.dG, sp.dCp
    -205472.3365716, 12.32381279
>>> # Example with Holland and Powell's function
>>> from pygcc.pygcc_utils import db_reader
>>> # utilizes the default speq21 and specified SUPCRTBL (HP2011) dataset database
>>> ps = db_reader(dbHP_dir = './default_db/supcrtbl.dat')
>>> sp = heatcap( T = 100, P = 50, Species_ppt = ps.dbaccessdic['Hematite'], method = 'HP11',
                 Species = 'Hematite')
>>> sp.dG, sp.dCp
    -179494.62259123, 28.09545987


  1. Helgeson, H. C., Delany, J. M., Nesbitt, H. W. and Bird, D. K.(1978). Summary and critique of the thermodynamic properties of rock-forming minerals.

  2. Kelley K. K (1960) Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy. XIII. High temperature heat content, heat capacity and entropy data for elements and inorganic compounds US Bur Mines Bull 548: 232 p

  3. Haas JL Jr, Fisher JR (1976) Simultaneous evaluation and correlation of thermodynamic data. American Journal of Science 276:525-545

  4. Berman, R. G. (1988). Internally-consistent thermodynamic data for minerals in the system Na2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-H2O-CO2. Journal of petrology, 29(2), 445-522.

  5. Berman RG, Brown TH (1985) Heat Capacities of minerals in the system Na2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-H2O-CO2: Representation, estimation, and high temperature extrapolation. Contrib Mineral Petrol 89:168-183

  6. Holland, T. and Powell, R., 2011. An improved and extended internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for phases of petrological interest, involving a new equation of state for solids. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 29, 333–383.

  7. Holland, T.J.B. and Powell, R., 1998. An internally-consistent thermodynamic dataset for phases of petrological interest. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16, 309–344.

  8. Zimmer, K., Zhang, Y.L., Lu, P., Chen, Y.Y., Zhang, G.R., Dalkilic, M. and Zhu, C. (2016) SUPCRTBL: A revised and extended thermodynamic dataset and software package of SUPCRT92. Computer and Geosciences 90:97-111

heatcapusgscal(TC, P, species)[source]

This function evaluates Gibbs energy and heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure for any mineral or gas specie using Haas and Fisher (1976)’s heat capacity parameter fit (utilized for solid-solutions)

  • TC (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • species (array) – Properties such as [dG [cal/ml], dH [cal/mol], S [cal/mol-K], V [cm³/mol], a [cal/mol-K], b [cal/mol/K^2], c [cal/mol/K], g [cal/mol/K^0.5], f [cal/mol/K^3] )


  • delGfPT (float, vector) – Gibbs Energy [cal/mol]

  • delCp (float, vector) – Heat capacity [cal/mol/K]


  1. Haas JL Jr, Fisher JR (1976) Simultaneous evaluation and correlation of thermodynamic data. American Journal of Science 276:525-545

heatcap_Berman(TC, P, species)[source]

This function evaluates Gibbs energy and heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure for any mineral or gas specie using Berman (1988) equations and datasets with Berman and Brown (1985)’s heat capacity parameter fit

  • TC (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • species (array) –

    Properties such as [dG [J/mol], dH [J/mol], S [J/mol-K], V [cm³/mol], k0, k1, k2, k3,

    v1 [*10^5 K^-1], v2 [*10^5 K^-2], v3 [*10^5 bar^-1], v4 [*10^8 bar^-2], dTdP [K/bar], Tlambda [K], Tref [K], l1 [(J/mol)^0.5/K], l2 [(J/mol)^0.5/K^2], DtH, d0 [J/mol], d1 [J/mol], d2 [J/mol], d3 [J/mol], d4 [J/mol], d5 [J/mol], Tmin [K], Tmax [K]]


  • delGfPT (float, vector) – Gibbs Energy [cal/mol]

  • delCp (float, vector) – Heat capacity [cal/mol/K]


  1. Berman, R. G. (1988). Internally-consistent thermodynamic data for minerals in the system Na2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-H2O-CO2. Journal of petrology, 29(2), 445-522.

  2. Berman RG, Brown TH (1985) Heat Capacities of minerals in the system Na2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-H2O-CO2: Representation, estimation, and high temperature extrapolation. Contrib Mineral Petrol 89:168-183

heatcapsup(TC, P, species, **kwargs)[source]

This function evaluates Gibbs energy and heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure for any mineral or gas specie using Helgeson et al (1978) equations and Maier-Kelley power function for heat capacity as implemented in SUPCRT92

  • TC (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • species (array) –

    Properties such as ( dG [cal/mol], dH [cal/mol], S [cal/mol-K], V [cm³/mol], a [cal/mol-K],

    b [*10^3 cal/mol/K^2], c [*10^-5 cal/mol/K], Ttrans [K], Htr [cal/mol], Vtr [cm³/mol], dPdTtr [bar/K] ), etc

  • spec_name (string) – species name, optional for all cases except gases, Coesite and Quartz


  • delGfPT (float, vector) – Gibbs Energy [cal/mol]

  • delCp (float, vector) – Heat capacity [cal/mol/K]


  1. Helgeson, H. C., Delany, J. M., Nesbitt, H. W. and Bird, D. K.(1978). Summary and critique of the thermodynamic properties of rock-forming minerals.

  2. Kelley K. K (1960) Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy. XIII. High temperature heat content, heat capacity and entropy data for elements and inorganic compounds US Bur Mines Bull 548: 232 p

heatcaphp(TC, P, species)[source]

This function evaluates Gibbs energy and heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure for any mineral or gas specie using Holland and Powell (2011)’s heat capacity parameter fit and database based on SUPCRTBL

  • TC (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • species (array) –

    Properties such as [dG [kJ/mol], dH [kJ/mol], S [J/mol-K], V [J/bar], a [kJ/mol-K],

    b [*10^5 kJ/mol/K^2], c [kJ-mol-K], d [kJ/mol/K^0.5], alpha [*10^5 K^-1], kappa0 [kbar], kappa0_d [kbar], kappa0_dd [kbar], n_atom [-], Tc0 [K], Smax [J/mol-K], Vmax [J/bar], dH [KJ/mol], dV [J/bar], W [kJ/mol], Wv [J/bar], n [-], SF [-]]


  • delGfPT (float, vector) – Gibbs Energy [cal/mol]

  • delCp (float, vector) – Heat capacity [cal/mol/K]


  1. Holland, T. and Powell, R., 2011. An improved and extended internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for phases of petrological interest, involving a new equation of state for solids. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 29, 333–383.

  2. Zimmer, K., Zhang, Y.L., Lu, P., Chen, Y.Y., Zhang, G.R., Dalkilic, M. and Zhu, C. (2016) SUPCRTBL: A revised and extended thermodynamic dataset and software package of SUPCRT92. Computer and Geosciences 90:97-111

  3. Holland, T.J.B. and Powell, R., 1998. An internally-consistent thermodynamic dataset for phases of petrological interest. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16, 309–344.

pygcc.species_eos.supcrtaq(TC, P, specieppt, Dielec_method=None, ThermoInUnit='cal', **rhoE)[source]

This function evaluates the Gibbs free energy of aqueous species at T and P using the revised HKF equation of state

  • TC (float, vector) – Temperature [°C]

  • P (float, vector) – Pressure [bar]

  • specieppt (array) – Properties such as (dG [cal/mol], dH [cal/mol], S [cal/mol-K], a1 [10 cal/mol/bar], a2 [*10*-2 cal/mol], a3 [cal-K/mol/bar], a4 [10*-4 cal-K/mol], c1 [cal/mol/K], c2 [10*-4 cal-K/mol], ω [10*-5 cal/mol] )

  • Dielec_method (string) – specify either ‘FGL97’ or ‘JN91’ or ‘DEW’ as the method to calculate dielectric constant (optional), if not specified default - ‘JN91’

  • ThermoInUnit (string) – specify either ‘cal’ or ‘KJ’ as the input units for species properties (optional), if not specified default - ‘cal’

  • rhoE (dict) – dictionary of water properties like density (rho) and dielectric factor (E) (optional)


delG – Gibbs energy [cal/mol]

Return type:

float, vector


The general usage of supcrtaq without the optional arguments is as follows:

  1. Not on steam saturation curve:

    delG = supcrtaq(TC, P, specieppt)

    where T is temperature in celsius and P is pressure in bar

  2. On steam saturation curve:

    delG = supcrtaq(TC, ‘T’, specieppt),

    where T is temperature in celsius, followed with a quoted char ‘T’

    delG = supcrtaq(P, ‘P’, specieppt),

    where P is pressure in bar, followed with a quoted char ‘P’.

  3. Meanwhile, usage with any specific dielectric constant method (‘FGL97’) for condition not on steam saturation curve is as follows. Default method is ‘JN91’

    delG = supcrtaq(TC, P, specieppt, Dielec_method = ‘FGL97’)


>>> from pygcc.pygcc_utils import db_reader
>>> ps = db_reader() # utilizes the default direct-access database, speq21
>>> delG = supcrtaq( 100, 50, ps.dbaccessdic['H2S(aq)'], Dielec_method = 'JN91')
>>> delG = supcrtaq( 100, 50, ps.dbaccessdic['H2S(aq)'], Dielec_method = 'FGL97')


  1. Johnson JW, Oelkers EH, Helgeson HC. 1992. SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating the standard molal thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous species, and reactions from 1 to 5000 bar and 0 to 1000°C. Computers & Geosciences 18(7): 899-947. doi: 10.1016/0098-3004(92)90029-Q